The 3 Requirements of a Truly Innovative Company
Lots of companies will say they're innovative, but are they just talking the talk?
Employees who have been taught to think like innovators: Companies really looking to innovate invest in their employees' continued training and development. Learning is never over, and every industry has lots of opportunities for employees to develop their knowledge and understand new ways of seeing things.
Harness underappreciated trends: Real innovators don't speculate about what might change in the future. Instead, they observe the world around them and see what is already changing. What are people complaining about? What sort of exciting new things are on the horizon? The most innovative companies take advantage of the changes already happening.
Use innovation-friendly management processes: The management model must be tuned into innovation--allowing employees to learn more and advance as they are given the opportunities to innovate with the company. Ensure the power reaches the bottom line, or otherwise, employees will vote with their feet!
What do you think? Is your company innovative?
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